We recorded last night, have no idea how well it will hold up when it airs. The Occupied Nation” show talks about the Israeli-Hamas war/conflict/clusterfuck happening now trying to make sense of the rapidly unfolding events. Join us tonight as we stream at 7pm EST for a rapid fire discussion of the incidents and trying to make sense of all the contextual elements of this unfolding drama. Look for the show as well as older episodes on www.activatemedia.org Activist radio is still alive and streaming!

It’s not like we stopped broadcasting them, but I’ve been horrible at holding up my end of marketing and promoting the show. But it’s on 7pm EST every Monday night on Activate Media Radio. Tonight we talk about the latest mass shooting in the USA, connect that to the Tennessee Three that have been reinstated, the Boston Marathon, the Boston connection to the last intelligence leak, and more.

Check it out tonight on Occupied Nation, tonight at 7pm EST. Click here to get there.

Occupied Backlog

November 29, 2021

I’ve lapsed a lot when it comes to promoting the “Occupied Nation” Show. I’m a co-host and have been doing the recordings regularly, I just can’t seem to get off my ass and let people know about it. Now I get to let people know that a few of my favorite recent shows are on the Active Media website to listen to.

We’ve been talking about the various trials going on and whose verdicts came out recently, so you can start with our show on November 15, where we get into the Kyle Rittenhouse trial (before the verdict) and about inflation issues around the nation. Our November 22, show was about the Rittenhouse verdict, the justice system and our elections. If you want to stream a new episode, tune in tonight at 7pm EST, when we are joined by Heidi Highland to talk about a local trial in Lynn, MA as well as the two other major trial verdicts this week from Charlotte, NC and Georgia.

To listen tonight, click on the Activate Media website here. For the previous shows, click here and here respectively. Happy listening and solidarity.

One of the problems with falling behind on blog postings is that I forget to post important timely stuff like the “Occupied Nation” Show. It’s been going very well and regular, but while tonight is a repeat episode, we still have past episodes posted on the Activate Media website (www.activatemedia.org). The June 14th show had us talking about the ousting of Netenyahu as Israeli Prime Minister and what that would mean for Israel-Palestinian relations, issues in space travel, and the DOJ and William Barr. The June 21st show had a huge conversation about Juneteenth becoming a federal holiday and what that means. And the June 27th show had us talking about weather woes, rising cost of food, rent and other issues. All of them are worth time and are a good examination of issues from a more activist point of view. Join Patrick Wilson, Rhodes Pierre, and me every Monday night at 7pm EST to catch the latest episodes of “Occupied Nation.” And if you want to listen to the shows from June 14, June 21, or June 27, click on the links or go to www.activatemedia.com to check them out.

Last week before the taping of “Occupied Nation” show, we got very wound up on Bernie and never got to it that week. We decided the next week it was going to be an all Bernie show. That sort of didn’t happen (and neither did the marketing idea of hyping Bernie and Aliens and never talking about aliens), but we had a real good discussion on all three topics–Bernie then, now, and what’s to come; Bitcoin and cryptocurrency; and the California lifting the assault gun ban in the state. It was still a fun far reaching talk with Patrick Wilson and Rhodes Pierre and it is now audiocasted on the Activate Media website. The “Occupied Nation” show streams every Monday at 7pm EST on http://www.activatemedia.org ; to hear the most recent episode, click here and enjoy!

Last week, we did a the “Occupied Nation” Show with special guest Bil Lewis, Boston based lecturer and activist, about a wide range of subjects. I thought it was one of our best shows, and it is FINALLY posted online to listen to. We’re live streamed every Monday night at 7pm EST at www.activatemedia.org , but you need to check out last week’s episode. Really good stuff! To hear our previous show online, click here.

Tonight at 7pm EST will be another stream of the “Occupied Nation Show.” Tonight Patrick Wilson, Rhodes Pierre and I will be talking about the recent conflict in Palestine and the new CDC mask guidelines. Tune In tonight on www.activatemedia.org tonight at 7pm.

Because the topic of Israel-Palestine conflict is complex, I quote an article from the New York Times that really breaks down what the recent uprising are all about. I know the NYT paywall sucks but if you read only one article from them, read this one; it’s very helpful. Check out the Times’ article here. If you can’t get past the paywall, Geo TV world desk summarized the Times’ article here. Enjoy!

It’s been a little while (partly due to technical difficulties), but there is a new “Occupied Nation Show” episode online. This episode with Patrick Wilson, Rhodes Pierre, and I is about education and news of the week. Tune in live every Monday at http://www.ActivateMedia.org at 7pm. This new episode is archived on the site and you can hear it right here. Listen and enjoy!

As promised, “The Occupied Nation Show” aired on it’s usual Monday time-slot at 7pm EST. If you missed it, catch the show on the Activate Media website. Patrick, Rhodes, and I talk about the George Floyd murder trial, COVID vaccine rollout, DMX, the infrastructure bill, and the upcoming Occupy anniversaries. To tune in/stream click here and enjoy.

And don’t forget stream it as it airs on Monday at 7pm EST on activatemedia.org. Peace, love and solidarity.

What I thought was only going to be a month-long commitment has become a part-time hobby (I’m not getting paid for it so the IRS would classify this as a hobby; I’ll tell the story of how that mistake was made on my taxes many years ago some time). My friend Patrick Wilson is the creator and host of “The Occupied Nation Show,” which broadcasts on Activate Media Radio and their website activatemedia.org. He was getting overwhelmed late last year (like I did when I decided to halt broadcasting “Theology In Action”), and asked me to co-host the show with him for the month of January, and then he would rotate other hosts in over the year. As it turned out, I co-hosted January and we had our friend Rhodes Pierre as our guest. Then in February we rotated and Rhodes was the co-host and I was the guest. It never quite got out of just us three talking and we’ve been doing it since the start of the year. Since I’m now the co-host of a show, I’d better put it out there.

The “Occupied Nation” broadcasts every Monday at 7pm EST on activatemedia.org. Now, Monday’s shows will be put on the website to hear at your convenience on the following Wednesdays. The “Occupied Nation Show” began in 2012 on Occupy Boston Radio. Since, Occupy Boston Radio has become Activate Radio, which is a part of Activate Media. Each week the show focuses on current events relating to social justice and the struggle of marginalized peoples. Please tune in as they stream on Monday night at 7pm, or at your convenience on the Activate Media website. The latest show on the site is from April 5, and can be reached by clicking here.

Hope you can all tune in!

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